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Keep Nolanville Beautiful Receives Gold Star Recertification From Keep Texas Beautiful


Nolanville, TX- Keep Nolanville Beautiful, an environmental advocacy and action committee formed to preserve and improve the community and quality of life in Nolanville, has received recertification as a “Gold Star” affiliate of the statewide organization, Keep Texas Beautiful, which has nearly 300 affiliates.

Gold Star recognition is the highest status an affiliate can receive. In 2022, KTB affiliates engaged 178,648 volunteers who contributed 78,955 hours to collect 2.4 million pounds of waste and recyclables from Texas roadways, trails, and waterways. Keep Nolanville Beautiful successfully implemented programs to clean up litter, reduce and recycle waste, educate local citizens, and their work beautifies and enhances the local community.

To achieve Gold Star status, affiliates must share information on their mission and goals, answer questions about their economic development and diversity and inclusion practices or participate in the Beautify Texas Awards or Governor’s Community Achievement Awards programs. They also must provide a letter of support from their community. KTB will formally recognize Gold Star communities during the KTB Conference on June 26-28, 2023.

“We are delighted to have re-achieved the Gold Star status recognition from Keep Texas Beautiful for the work that we do to encourage our citizens to Keep Nolanville a beautiful and great place to live.” said Keep Nolanville Beautiful Coordinator Jennifer Shidler.

In 2022, Keep Nolanville Beautiful held trash-off events quarterly and hosted City-wide fall clean-ups in October. In addition to providing community service opportunities, Keep Nolanville Beautiful offers programs such as ‘Adopt a Spot’ and ‘C3: Community Compost Club’ and volunteers regularly to teach informative programs at the local Boys and Girls Club.

Along with the honor of re-achieving Gold Star status from Keep Texas Beautiful, Keep Nolanville Beautiful was also awarded one of 10 Governor’s Community Achievement Awards for outstanding community improvements with an award amount of $130,000. Formal recognition of this award will also be held during the KTB conference in June.

Are you looking for information on how you can help us Keep Nolanville Beautiful? You can visit our website at or follow us on Facebook at Keep Nolanville Beautiful.


101North 5th Street,Nolanville, Texas 76559 l Phone: 254-698-6335 l



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